Therapy through play
Through play, therapists can help children learn more adaptive behaviors in situations in which the child presents emotional or social deficits.
Step by step therapy
Starting therapy
Play Therapy is a structured, theoretical approach to therapy based on the child's learning and communication processes (Carmichael, 2006; Landreth, 2002; O. Connor & Schaefer, 1983). This method uses children's basic activity, which is playing. The therapist plays an active role in it, because by being emotionally attuned to children, they give them the opportunity to express themselves through play. During therapy, thanks to the unconditional acceptance of therapists, children have the opportunity to exist and be themselves. Therapists use Play Therapy long-term, strategically to help children express what is problematic for them when children do not have the verbal skills to express their thoughts and feelings (Gil, 1991).
Through play, therapists can help children learn more adaptive behaviors in situations in which they present emotional or social deficits (Pedro-Carroll & Reddy, 2005). The positive relationship that develops between the therapist and the child during a Play Therapy session provides corrective emotional experiences that are essential to treatment (Moustakas, 1997). Play Therapy can also be used to stimulate cognitive development and provides insight into a child's dysfunctional thinking and internal conflicts, providing the child with ways to resolve them (O?Connor & Schaefer, 1983; Reddy, Files-Hall & Schaefer, 2005)

Course of the session
The session begins in a consistent manner by determining the child's emotional state.
During a 45-minute therapy session, the child independently selects and actively uses the materials available in the playroom. The child's use of various materials, such as sand and water, paints, glue, miniatures of human figures, animals, trees - gives the child a free hand and space for the child's imagination.
Creating a world, e.g. in sand, gives the child the opportunity to experience himself in action and develops a sense of agency and control in his world. The atmosphere of unconditional acceptance, so characteristic of Play Therapy, and the safe relationship created between the therapist and the child are the basis of the therapeutic process.
The session ends on a regular basis by informing the child about the end, which takes place 5 minutes before the end of the session and after 45 minutes of the session.
Time + materials
One therapy session with a child lasts 45 minutes.
In exceptional cases (e.g. young children around 3 years old, children with ADHD), sessions start with 30 minutes and are gradually extended to 45 minutes. Usually, after the first session, the children request an extension. So, without any problem, the next session can already last the full length of the Play Therapy session, i.e. 45 minutes.
The materials in the Play Room are definitely different from other therapy rooms. The child in the Play Therapy Room has the following types of materials to choose from:
- a sandbox with a bottom and side walls in blue
- a set of figures to play in the sandbox, representing human characters, domestic animals and wild animals, in addition buildings, plants
- positive and negative fairy tale characters, insects, crystals, stones, etc.
- Puppets of human figures, animals - 2 of each type
- Musical instruments - 2 of each type
- Costumes and masks
- Materials for movement expression, e.g. pompoms, sashes, ropes, ribbons, blankets
- Materials for creative activities, e.g. paints, crayons, markers, clay, pastry, papers.
- Therapeutic stories and creative visualisations are created by the therapist individually for each child.

End of therapy
The decision to terminate therapy is made during a joint conversation and exchange of information between the therapist and parents.
Usually, termination of therapy takes place when the therapy goals set by the parents in the initial interview have been achieved.
The number of therapy sessions depends on the severity of the child's difficulties. For minor difficulties 6 weekly meetings are suggested. For major difficulties- 12 sessions. For severe difficulties the therapy lasts 6-12 months.
Effects of Play Therapy
- the development of a more positive self-image,
- the child taking more responsibility for himself/herself,
- an increased capacity for self-direction,
- increased self-acceptance,
- increased self-reliance,
- the child's independent decision-making,
- the experience of a sense of control,
- the development of his/her own internal source of judgement.
During play, the child integrates his or her experience. This process requires the presence of a trusted therapist who accepts the communication and sufficiently reflects it. In such extremely specific conditions, the individual can integrate and exist as a whole, and this process is an expression of the sense that I AM, I am alive, I am myself (D. Winnicot).
The effect of Play Therapy is to create in the child a representation of a secure relationship with an adult as a result of experiencing a secure bond with the therapist. In this way, the child can develop his/her social competence by transferring the new pattern of relationship with the therapist to others in his/her environment.
Play Therapy enables a child to pay attention to their own feelings and look at their own feelings in a safe, accepting environment.
This helps children learn:
- that experiencing all feelings is normal, accepted,
- to deal with their feelings in a safe and constructive way.
Play Therapy helps the child to engage and develop their own inner strength. It helps the child to recognise the sources of this strength. It helps the child to feel in control of his/her own life in an atmosphere of acceptance.