Therapy through play
Through play, therapists can help children learn more adaptive behaviors in situations in which the child presents emotional or social deficits.
The registration form must be filled in and signed by hand.
The form should be sent together with the confirmation of the advance payment:
- by registered mail to: Play Therapy Poland, ul. Szlachecka 14, 05-077 Warsaw,
- or by e-mail with confirmation of receipt to: info@play-therapy.pl
The fees for the training should be paid to the account of Play Therapy Poland:
Bank PKO BP: 72 1440 1185 0000 0000 0328 7742
PlayTherapy Trainings
Terapia w piaskownicy
Szkolenie akredytowane przez Play Therapy International oraz Academy of Play and Child Psychotherapy (UK)
Szkolenie akredytowane przez Play Therapy International oraz Academy of Play and Child Psychotherapy (UK)
For whom
The training is designed for professionals working therapeutically with children and adolescents and for those who intend to start therapeutic work. We particularly direct this training to:
clinical psychologists
pre-school teachers
special educators
social workers
employees of children's homes
foster care workers
employees of adoption agencies
occupational therapists
employees of Psychological and Pedagogical Clinics
speech therapists
This training is on the second level of PTI's four-step training model. This means that by taking this training you are completing two levels of the training model straight away. After completing this training, you can continue your education at level three: Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (which includes directive approaches and group therapy). It is also possible to consider this training as independent of the four-level PTI training model.
The training has been developed to:
improve your therapeutic skills
developing self-awareness and awareness of the therapeutic process
increase your satisfaction in working with children
acquire the skills necessary to help children develop their emotional intelligence
acquire the skills necessary to alleviate children's behavioural and mental health problems
accompanying your personal development
provide you with competencies in line with the Profession Structure Model
Training objectives
The overarching aim of the training is to enable trainees to practice safely in child therapy and to use play therapy skills effectively in a variety of settings. The training will enable the therapist to support the child in overcoming both minor and moderate problems. During the training, participants will mainly learn how to use the Play Therapy Tool-Kit. Upon completion of the training, each participant should:
be able to communicate with the child using therapeutic techniques from the "Play Therapy Tool- Kit" including: creative media, sandbox therapy, drawing and painting, movement, drama, storytelling, creative visualisation, puppets and clay
be able to set up your own therapy practice
learn practical skills to conduct an individual Play Therapy session with a child
be able to observe and analyse the child's posture and movements
be able to prepare an individual creative visualisation for the child
be able to write a therapeutic story
enable the child to express their emotions through clay, puppets
properly understand and apply the principles of Play Therapy
have the capacity to assess the child's needs
have the ability to create an environment conducive to therapeutic play
achieve confidence in using therapeutic play with children and adolescents
learn practical therapeutic skills for conducting therapeutic play
recognise, understand and appreciate the ethical issues involved in treating children
have knowledge of child psychology
have knowledge of attachment theory and child development theory and the ability to use them in a therapy session
find answers to questions that arise in child therapy
be aware of their own process and development
gain knowledge of themselves
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